Friday, July 8, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Land art or Earth art is an art movement which emerged in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s, in which landscape and the work of art are linked. It is also an art form that is created in nature, using natural materials such as Soil, Rock, boulders, stones, organic media (logs, branches, leaves, and water with introduced materials such as concrete, metal,

His purpose is to produce plastic emotions in the spectator who faces a landscape. The fundamental beginning of the Land Art is to alter, with an artistic sense, the landscape, to produce the maximum of effects and sensations to the observer.
It Tries to reflect the relation between the man and the land, the environment and the world, expressing at the same time the pain, for the environmental deterioration of the climate that exists nowadays. The principal thing is the interstirrup-strap of the man - artist with the environment.
-In fact, one of the major distinctions between Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museum is that Land Art is designed to evolve, change, and eventually decay. Some works of art are quite ephemeral, persisting only for a few hours or days, while others are deliberately exposed to erosion and wind so that they become distorted over time.
LanD art " annihilates these values creating works of art impossible to sell since it is in the own nature where they are, being this one itself the manager of destroying them
some Contemporary land artists:
Michael Heizer,
Eberhard Bosslet
Milton Becerra
Eberhard Bosslet
Mel Chin
Walter De Maria
Lucien den Arend
Agnes Denes
Harvey Fite
Andy Goldsworthy
Michael Heizer
Nancy Holt
Junichi Kakizaki
Maya Lin
Richard Long
David Nash
John Pfahl
Andrew Rogers
Robert Smithson
Alan Sonfist
James Turrell
Nils Udo
Bill Vazan
Elisabeth Wierzbicka Wela
Seth Wulsin
Friday, July 30, 2010
rights of children with disabilities
these rigths are intended: `` the promotion and protection of the lives of people with physical disabilities to get social integration``
1. right to decent house and adequate to the special needs of children with disabilities.
2. right to move freely with the guarantee of accessible transportation.
3. right to decent housing and adequate to the special needs of children with disabilities.
4. right to move freely with the guarantee of accessible transportation.
5. right to access and use social services without discrimination based on disability
6. entitled to a free education, equal opportunities.
7. right to an education tailored to individual needs from the time the disability is detected.
8. entitled to receive educational services if you are hospitalized or
convalescing in their own homes.
9. right to participate in all school activities.
10. right of parents to choose the school among those who meet the personal
and material resources adequate to ensure quality in educational services.
11. right to receive advice, training and technical support for access to first job.
12. right to participate fully in social life.